Das Dokument wurde ein wenig erweitert, nachdem ein Kunde einen sehr dunklen Blauton für den farbigen Querbalken verwenden wollte. Die Beschriftung des Balkens war daraufhin nicht mehr lesbar. Daher musste die Schriftfarbe innerhalb des Balkens auf Weiss gesetzt werden, um wieder für den nötigen Kontrast zu sorgen. Wie das geht wurde nun dem Dokument hinzugefügt.
Das HowTo steht wieder, der besseren Lesbarkeit wegen, als PDF zum Download zur Verfügung. Es kann hier heruntergeladen werden: AAC4_5_CustomizeLogonPoint_Rev1.1_DE.pdf
I had to upgrade the document, because a customer wanted to set the color of the bar to a dark blue. The caption inside the bar could not be read anymore after this change, so we had to change the color of the caption to white. This way we got the contrast needed back. How to do that is added to the document now.
The howto is written in german. A translation into english is not available at the moment. Since the pdf utilizes a lot of pictures, you might be able to understand it anyway. As soon as i find the time, i will provide a translated version. Until then, you can download the german version here: AAC4_5_CustomizeLogonPoint_Rev1.1_DE.pdf
You have obviously done a lot of work with AAC and customizing the interface. However, I tried using your instructions against 4.5.8 (I had to patch to the latest version to eliminate a bug) but it’s a totally different interface.
Can you tell me what I can change to make my AAC site mimic the example you created?
You are right, patch 4.5.8 changes almost everything regarding the web interface and the look of AAC. Unfortunately the customizing is much more complicated now 🙁
I am working on a simple solution for this release, but it will look totally different than the solution today. So stay tuned…